October 14, 2010

Tan Vivian.

Today is the birthday of my most favorite person in the world!!
I have known her for 5 years now and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HER!!
was totally heart-broken after she transferred to Batu8 (you people better treat her well!!!)
but we still kept in touch and call each other from time to timejust to check up with each others life :D

she even plays the guitar!! how cool is that!!!!!

She has been there for me when i was down...help me with my homework when i suck at it..
give me confidence when I was "emo"
and even attended tuition classes with me(of course I'm not really the main reason.. LOL)

She puts up with ALL MY CRAP when I was angry at everything else
and listens to me blap about boys ALL DAY!!!
gives me advises when I'm at a dead end....
And i might have turn this quiet/shy girl into a crazy/playful girl!!! *sorry!! =D*

Overall, I Love HER (No, you pervert, not the lesbo type)
She is the best and I could never ask anything more from her..
Viv, i miss you/love you/heart you FOREVER :D

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