January 24, 2011

Education Fair.

at Shilin makan...

Went to out with Viv AGAIN....
this time to MIDVALLEY.... for the education fair!!!!
Let's talk business people! Both of us was unsure what to study/ which college to go...
so at least now we have tons of course brochures and suggestions..

pic name

pic name

had korean for lunch...
was carrying ALOT of bags from the fair
and so we dropped off our stuff at Xiu Wen's xD
(she's working there)
On the way back, I encounter another Pian Tai on the bus.
*if you wonder why i used the word another, it's because according to my friends: Angeline tends to attract ALOT of weirdos*
so yeah. I don't know why, maybe I look weird too, so they think I'm the same "gang"?
LOL. anyhoo, back to that pian tai.
he kept staring at me the minute he board the bus...
of course, some times I look at people on the bus too
so I figured after a while he'd probably look away..
after a while I looked at his direction....
his smile was freakin' scary man! but I ignored him lo...
bear in mind that I am freaking out inside.....
(half thinking why don't he stare at Vivi instead....)
and then I told Vivi that the guy looks REALLY weird and he keeps looking at me...
so we move a little to the back(we were standing)
and that dude sat down on the platform.... (near the bus driver that one)
he was pretty close to me..
I try to avoid looking at him and then he even told me to put all my stuff on top...
(I can't hear/understand him but he was pointing so I sort of know what he meant)
and I don't know what language he's talking... ==
I was so freakin scared I was afraid he's reached out and touch me!!
or follow me down the bus!!!!!!!
as my stop nears, I prayed that he don't do the above...........
and I purposely stand near a chinese guy who is standing near me... xD
(half hoping that he would save me if that guy really did touch me)
When the bus stopped.... I ran down the bus....
that stupid weirdo even said bye bye....
like we were BEST FRIENDS...
I never wanna sit public transport anymore...

anyway, Fiona's having a BBQ party that night...
so the plan was both of us go there after shopping...
but on the way there Vivi's dad practically made her have dinner with him
(some date that he had with his friends and he wanted company)
Sighs....... so we got off the bus and waited her dad to fetch us...
of course.... She MADE him send me all the way to Fiona's house xD
and I made it to the party safe and sound...
Michele, Karmern, Blake, Joshua, Kritz, Tiong Hsien, Kai Wen came after...
the others were either too busy or too tired to come ==
Hui Teng and her Boyfie came latter.. like really really late...
cause she's determine to come see us...
unlike some people.................

Mr Blake.

yes. he is a true camwhore. xD

Miss Michele!

HuiTeng & moi~

Him again.

Karmern and ME!!!

With Michele.

Joshua. TiongHsien(what so funny?). HuiTeng and her Boyfie.

Last but not least. FIONA CHAN xD

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