Ahoy people!! sorry for being M.I.A for sooooooo long....
First! I would like to wish everyone HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
ohmy, just like that... a year gone..... time REALLY flies huh....
wanna know my new year resolutions?
heheh. Even if you didn't ask I'm still gonna tell you anyway!!
1. Find a Job!!
(I really don't like asking money from my parents, hopefully I can earn enough to buy my own clothes! and staying home everyday kinda sucks!)
2. Enroll in a college THIS YEAR!!
Even though I still haven't figured out what my heart really wants to do, still let's hope I find out soon!!
3. Work in USA!!!
most likely this won't happen but.... we'll see what happens..
4. Grow until 165-168cm!!!!
DON'T LAUGH PLEASE!! fyi: I am already 162cm so I don't really think this is impossible!! I just have to eat right and stretch right!!
I think that's it for one year..
If you're wondering WHY I didn't immediately blog about my USA trip...
well, that's because I've been watching................................ KOREAN DRAMA!!!!!!
didn't really watch any during 2010
and my!! I really miss those funny love stories/sad dramatic forbidden love xD!!
within a week I finished 3 dramas....
Let me recommend some dramas to you okay.
1. Mary Stayed out all night.

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FROM ME!!! If you are a Jang Guen Suk fan then all the more reason you should watch this.
It's more like a comedy love story about music and life and blah blah...
plus... i like the girl(moon guen young).... SHE'S VERY CUTE!!!!!
click here to check out more
2. Cinderella's Sister

this is also nice. As you can see, the actress is also the same girl from the previous drama.
But damn! she really can act! This drama is more of a dark sad dramatic kind.
I'm liking Moon Guen Young!! and surprisingly the lead guy is SUPER DUPER GOOD-LOOKING!!
he don't look like korean at all honestly.....
3. My Girlfriend is a Gumiho
Don't be fooled by the wallpaper!!! It's actually a pretty funny show...
I like how the girl sticks with the guy... like really sticky....
and the guy is really funny!!! Hoi-Hoi~~ (have to watch it to know what I mean xD)
okay! that's it guys!! Imma continue watching my new addiction Secret Garden.
haven't really get what this show is about but so far so funny......
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