Miss me yet?
wonder why I didn't blog immediately after i end my SPM?!?
and yeah!! all the suffering, staying all night, cracking my head, books all over is finally OVER!
As for why I didn't blog is....
I'm sick.
Ya. I know.... I'm not the kind of person who gets sick easily...
Not bragging here and the weird thing is...
I don't feel so good immediately after my last paper...
just my body was just HOLDING ON.. xDD
Well not entirely lying in bed suffering sick...
but stuck nose, blowing and loads of tissue all over my bed room..
I'm literally breathing through my mouth every night...
let's just hope I will get better in time to catch my flight...
oh and I painted my nails RED~~
and I'm loving it!!
it's not so clear in the picture but it's actually REALLY NAISH...
getting in the christmassy mood~~~
going out with Ah Bao & Siew voon and...................... MEI KAY!!!!
miss her 99!! xDD
will update when i get the photos...
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