I've been thinking.....
what to do after SPM.
and no, I haven't got an answer from myself yet...
I don't even know what myself want...
let alone tell OTHER people what's my plan after SPM...
so..... time will tell?? heee....
but first... i was thinking....
by rewarding myself after the exams.....
(you know: the sleepless nights, the pimples, the unhealthy midnight snacks and the random stress cry
[yes, I DO go around screaming at everyone I see in the house.])
I want a..........................
NOSE STUD!!!!!! :D :Daww.. come on..... I REALLY WANT ONE!!!!
but then I'm afraid when I'm not wearing them...
the hole will show...
as in will be quite obvious...
then my friend told me there's a kind of
skin-coloured sticker to stick and hides the hole...
hmmm.... NO! I am lazy so I'll probably NOT/FORGOT....
then when people talk to me
they'd probably will stare at the tiny dot and think
"hmmm, I didn't know she pierced her nose or is that dirt............."
"damn, she has a pierced nose... can't hire her then.... oh well...."
so.... If you guys have ANY SUGGESTIONS please comment.......
I really need some advise....
and oh look....
celebrities with nose studs~~~~

Rumer Williams

Miley Cyrus(Hannah Montana? xD)

The Veronicas~~~~