The plan was simple.
We act the scenes,
makan then go home....
but NO, the stupid thing just had to take a whole day....
because we were laughing,
we forgot the line,
we took a long time to eat
then someone had to be some where,
and the rest of us got kicked out of the house
and had to find another "setting"...
But overall it was FUN FUN FUN!
here are the evidents that we did not really hurry....
*WARNING : dont be shocked if er look ridiculous....


honestly i dunno where we r looking at....

i like this!


oh come on! i was bored!

ohmy, she looks crazy



we even have time to pose ==

model michele!!

she caught me and make me work! *joking*

like sensor our face....

Plora & me..

teehee!!! GET BACK TO WORK!!

But at last....
We did it...
We finish our video!!!!!
Will post the video and bloopers too!!!
We did it...
We finish our video!!!!!
Will post the video and bloopers too!!!
*and got laugh at.... ==*